Minimum order is stated in profit box for each item.
Profit illustrations include profit received on free bonus cases sold and payment received in 30 days.
Stated profit percentages do not include sales tax where applicable.
Free bonus cases are shipped on qualifying orders and are free of charge when payment is made within 30 days. With approved credit, payment is due 30 days from receiving merchandise. Freight is prepaid to you and then added to your bill. You will be given free merchandise to cover this cost for all items not including brochure items.
Non-food items may be returned with prior approval. You are responsible for shipping charges on returns. There is a $3.00 per case restocking fee.
To ensure freshness, food items are non-returnable.
Price, weight, contents, case quantity and availability subject to change at any time.
A service charge of 2.0% per month will be added to all invoices not paid within 30 days.